Those Exhibitions is excuted annually and is an important activity of the food and beverage industry in Asean area. The 20th Exhibition is setting on the Technology of Processing and Packaging in the food and beverage industry (Vietfood & Beverage – ProPack Vietnam 2016).
Last year, there were 298 organisations involved to the Vietfood & Beverage – ProPack Vietnam 2015 in 346 exhibition slots. Beside many famous food and beverage companies (Vissan, Cầu Tre, ABC Confactionary, Khánh Hòa, Sa Giang, SABECO, Tân Hiệp Phát Group, HABECO, Bidrico, Niva (Ukraina), Vox Trading (Japan); Hokuto (Japan); Ta Tung (Taiwan...), there also were the present of many other companies in the technology processing and packaging industry (Nishihara, Topack, Toyo Jidoky – Japan, Kiên Cường Company; Geoge Food, Yeudong (China), Shenyang Jixiang (China)…